By | 7:30 PM Leave a Comment
How I've missed blogging!!!...This excruciating long break was due to lack of decently fast net connection in B'lore, The Garden City (pun intended) that I'll soon call 'home' for the next two years.
Time seems to pace when you have something to do and even when u want it to slow down for a while the stubbornness of the clock pays no heed to your plea. But there's no excuse for my sabbatical…
The past 30days or so have been one of great love, hector, giggles, strain, pains, bustle, adventures, and above all of utmost significance. The decisions I've made, coerced by circumstance and some out of free will, have and will in due course change my life radically as I knew it forever. I with the lil' courage and strength in my custody have decided to pack my bags with all my insecurities,bits of astuteness, smiles, conquerable fears, prized memories and copious experiences and dare to tread into the Dark Night (Note: Brida By Paulo Coelho). Leaving the comforts of my pigeon-hole of a home to face the Big Bad World and make it big on my own has always been my sole determination and now I've taken the first baby-steps towards it.
According to the blueprints, I will study further to procure my Masters in the city of my birth --- Bangalore.

The Current State of Mind:
Best summed up with a cliché line from the very famous Rolling Stones classic ---'You can't always get what you want/ But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need'---This legitimate advice, like all of them, is easier said that done. The initial excitement has of the much awaited Independence has now slowly boiled down to an interesting chutney of nerves, instability and glee infused with curiosity. But with my BFF in the same city, even with the protracted miles between us, all emotions pessimistic are well-cushioned with happiness and surety. At least there's one assured soul I can run to.
I can't wait to start class again. The next few weeks will be agonizingly long but I'm sure it will worth the wait.


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