Up...Up...& Away

By | 10:41 AM 4 comments
The Brilliance of being a Pessimist is, you absolutly don't mind being proved wrong by the Universe!
I, for instance, was always proved right...up until now.
Now when it really mattered...
The Scheming Universe proved me wrong for a change!!!!!!!
Thank you Universe...
I guess 'The Alchemist' was right.
If you want something so badly, the entire Universe conspires to get it to you...
And if 2 people want that same something what choice does the Universe have, right?

For now....
Goodbye Bombay

4 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. Ur rite... I almost 'threatened' the Universe. It was my dream to see u do your MS Com in Christ?

    Love u chinks!


  2. And I miss reading ur blog. Try to find time ...

  3. hey, wats up?, looks like sum1's too busy with coll n all, no blog entries since i donno when..., when u gonna upload ne articles, oh n also show me sum pics of bensontown :P

  4. hiee bhops...yeha men...arre good idea..ill upload the articles ive written :D
    Ive uploaded some of my fotography class pics on FB...will upload bensontown pics soon ;)


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