Review: Mojo Bar

By | 6:38 PM Leave a Comment
Energy bars are the bomb. It's a complete energising meal that you can eat in 10 minutes without getting your hands messy. I repeat, energy bars are the bomb. As a writer, the days I'm on the field travelling the lenght of the city for an interview, energy bars and coffee are the only things that keep me from getting "hangry".

So when the folks at MojoBar got in touch with us to try out their brand new energy bar, I couldn't wait. Turns out they have 3 flavours – Choco Almond, Yogurt Berry and Nutty Apricot. The yellow packaged Nutty Apricot bar, like all the rest, is free of preservatives and gluten. The pack says that all of them are made with mixed cereal, nuts and fruits which obviously makes them protein and fibre rich.

The yellow Nutty Apricot one, like the name so clearly suggests, has apricots that makes it extra sweet. The red one is Yogurt Berry with white base (yogurt powder) plus sweet and sour cranberries along with mixed cereal makes this a tangy bar on the go. Our most favourite of the three was the Choco Almond. This one has a chunky chocolate base that's not overtly sweet, which came as a pleasant surprise. The chewy dates add sweetness while the almonds add crunch and the cereal fill you up.

In order of preference, we liked the Choco Almond then Yogurt Berry and finally Nutty Apricot.

You can buy these goodies online at here


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