Feb 9th 2009

By | 7:51 PM 1 comment
I'll never forget yesterday. We went to Canossa Special School for our CI project. It was one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking experiences of my life. Now more than ever, I believe there is no G*d.Even if there is, he's positively evil. They don't deserve to be born like this. It's not fair...not fair at all. They are the purest and most beautiful things I've ever laid eyes on. They have so much love in them and they don't hold back.

I dunno...It doesn't feel right to write about them for some reason. It was too personal and painful an experience to share with the world I guess. I just posted to say that G*d is evil.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. "They are the purest and most beautiful things I've ever laid eyes on. They have so much love in them and they don't hold back."
    Wow! I wish the rest of us could be like that. Seems to me thats proof there is a God. Even though they are so physically challenged they get to have the highest form of perfection..love and joy that the rest of us spend our whole life scrambling after.


What do you think?