Say what?

By | 11:26 PM Leave a Comment
No, I haven't run out of things to say...
There are just too many words in the dictionary

The sonic speed of time perturbs me long enough for dusk to flicker, sneaking past me another day. My frail body disallows me to go any further making me incapable of organizing my thoughts in a humanly interpretable language. Before I can even try, my soft pillow beckons sweetly.I surrender.

No, I haven't run out of things to say...
There's just too much to say

Incomplete word documents sit pretty in my D-drive folder as I occasional half-heartedly jot a sentence or two in a rush. They’ve been there so long I’ve almost forgetten what I wanted to write. Guilt surges promoting my powerlessness. Time burns out. So surely
“I will complete what I started”, promises the eternal fatalist once again.

No, I haven't run out of things to say…
The lack of sound is overwhelmingly endearing

I may not be making much or any random sense to you
But…I don’t need to, do I?
Logic is overrated!

No, I haven’t lost it
I’ve just run out of things to say…for now…

PS: Sify Broadband sucks! Also as I type this terrorist mercilessly attack my city. Firing and explosions at Cafe Leopold, CST, Taj and Hilton(Trident).


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