10th - 15th November

By | 10:43 PM Leave a Comment
The past few weeks have been beautiful, amusing, eventful, saddening, exciting, touching, confusing and comforting. Exhaustion held me back every night forcing me to postpone blogging to the next day. So much happened that arranging my memories in chronological order is harder than I expected it to be. But this week deserves a post, I want to remember it. Please bear with my attempts to superficially narrate days hiding behind every line meaning that only I can know and see.

10th November Monday:
I go to Bandra for Cutting Chai’s CL meet with my friends Toki, Bhops, Rye (CL) and Rich (ACL). I met lil’ Sheel (who is taller than me now, Dammit chromosomes!) from school at the bus stop at Citylight, in the bus I meet Rubina (another batchmate from school); outside National’s I meet my building kid, Pranit and inside I meet Haggrawal! Talk about nostalgia…
In the conference room, I was on the receiving end of the boys’ games where they thought it amusing to hide my handbag. Kids, I tell you!

Later we went to Rich’s and I kicked some major butt at Burn Out. Damn I love that game! Then we chased time to reach Karnataka Sangh before the Prithvi Theatre festival -A tribute to Satyadev Dubey begun. Rush hour traffic, confusion and an annoyed mother got me hyper (I hate being late).

Anyhow, we managed to get in because the play was delayed and what I experienced next induced a deep love and respect for the art. Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak played the role of King Creon and his niece, King Oedipus’ daughter Antigone (pronounced as ‘ant-tea-gunny’) respectively in the English play “Antigone” which was directed by Satyadev Dubey himself. My favorite line from the play that etched a place for itself in me: “When all hope is gone…you are at peace”
11th November Tuesday:A bunch of us went to The White House to help Batti Bandh in our own lil’ way.

12th November Wednesday:Spend the day at home lazing around watching TV and getting pumped for my 1st Hindi play. Mumma and I went for a powerful Hindi play with Marathi songs “Cotton56, Polyester 48”. It was sad to see the turnout of the crowd was barely 1/3 of Antigone’s. How pseudo people can get! They don't know what they missed!!!

The play was about the plight of mill workers and how there once oppressed lives turned worse with time. Without a doubt this play was better than Antigone in terms of story and even acting, with due respect to the legend! Every single word uttered on stage had significance and depth. It’s hard to narrow down on one favorite line. Kudos for your honesty! It takes a lot of guts to reveal the truth (with names) in this volatile time and age. All in all, a beautiful moving play that got us all misty and teary-eyed.

13th November Thursday:
I lazed around at home and dressed up to watch another Prithvi Festival play. A common misconception shared by me and many, is that a ‘comedy’ is always ‘ha-ha’ funny and nothing more. “All About Women” begged to differ and how! The introductory paragraph summarizing the play in the festival pamphlet read --- Noted English actress Sarah Miles once said, "There`s a little bit of a hooker in every woman... a little bit of a hooker and a little bit of God.”

The all-women cast of splendidly performed numerous roles from young girls, old ladies to pre-schoolers. The play cheerily walked us through stages of lives that women go through complete with extreme emotions. The script, even at its poignant peak, managed to delicately weave subtle humor. A line that stayed with me was uttered by the character whose husband cheated on her. She while explaining her divorce to her estranged sister who happens to be her infidel husband's ex-girlfriend, said, “I can’t believe I had a child with a man I don’t even respect”

The play depicted the lesser understood female-bonding to the T. All through the play I saw tints of Harsh, Sammy and me in the characters. It wasn’t just me. Every woman there irrespective of age saw herself and her friends in the protagonists. During the 10-minute break and after the play, all the women fortunate enough to watch the play smiled randomly at each other. It left us with this lingering smile and an undeniable feeling of warmth.

14th November Friday:
Shell, Bhops and I had an awesome lazy movie day at Shell D’s place. We watched the very funny dopey flick Cheech & Chong-Up in Smokes. Next we debated for a long time on what to order to eat finally settling on yummy triple schezwan. Later we curled up on Shell’s comfy bed and watched another movie - The Usual Suspect. The title gave away the apparent suspense because we expected the suspect to be…err…unusual. We watched more videos, played, chatted and laughed at certain pictures. All in all a fun day!

15th November Saturday:
I spend a good amount of my early afternoon at Crosswords. Later that evening I got dressed and left for Shell F’s 20th birthday! It was without a doubt the longest I’ve ever been out of home at night. My folks cut me some slack under the condition that they pick me up after the party. For the record, I have killer capacity. If only I had not bottoms up’d the last glass, I would have been completely sane. Not that I wasn’t later. I was cheery but very much in my senses (contrary to what others say). We sat there for hours just talking and laughing randomly. And…I played with shadow! I credit my courage to pet that hyper dog on the booze. Dadda and Mumma showed up half an hour early to pick me up. The Sandman decided to skip my eyes another night as I laid wide awake till about 4 am. I played Suduko on my phone and wrote 3 poems in the mean time!


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