The Trippin' Girl

By | 6:40 PM 4 comments
30/10/2008, Thursday.
The day before Halloween

I sailed through 2 whole decades of existence without having a majorly embarrassing moment. I never really had anything killer to say when someone asks, “So what’s your most embarrassing moment?”
I’d rack my brains and end up telling a blah ol’ story about the time when my wrap around skirt flew open during a jive step while dancing on stage on a cold windy December. But I was wearing micro-shorts so it didn’t really make a difference to me.

But 20years, 15days and a Regan later…*drum roll please*…I got my ‘moment’.
Dammit Regan!(Stifles a laugh, partly out of how freaking funny it was and partly outta utter sheer humiliation)

It was a perfectly awesomatic day out with Reg, Bhops, Toks, Rich and Kirkie.We gave Vox Pops for Bindass, hung out at Kirk’s, played pictionary, harassed a 30-year old girl turtle named 'Mark' and pet named ‘Ferrari’, played truth or dare, ran around Croma, harassed a kid with a broken right hand named Ronnie, changed price tags on mini-freezers and a lot more. Minutes away from parting ways, this eventful day ended with a BANG. Hee Hee Hee

Put a crazy accident prone clumsy unbalanced ‘Librain’ and a huge strong ‘Capricorn’ insomniac med student with weird reflexes in a 15mile radius of each other and you’re just asking for trouble. Next time guys, keep a video camera rolling.

PS: Karma…finds us all. My knee buckling days are over. No more sneaking up on perfectly innocent people and buckling their knees from behind. All the nasty things I did through the day like stealing the controls of the Nintendo from a lil' Ronnie, pissing of the waiters at Hotel Sahil, making sadistic nasty jokes on people behind their back etc, came right back and bit me in the bum. Karma...I tell ya!

Now I’m gonna go back to curling up and hiding myself under the bed.

Playing Pictionary
kirk, toks & reg Vs rich, me & bhops
Video of Ferrari.
Ain't she a doll?

4 comments: Leave Your Comments

    Your too kind...
    you you pretty much summed up the day tho....
    this was the funniest accident iv ever caused...

  2. I'm glad to be of such amusement to so many people!...

    *goes back under the bed*

  3. you better watch out though, a bed has legs too


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